Define Me:
My professional world up to this point has led me down that path that so many others have already traveled. I have let my job determine not only what I do for a paycheck but also who I am. When meeting someone new one of the first questions always asked is, “So, what do you do?” This is more than a question of conversation it shows that at the very least we subconsciously associate our way of paying the bills with who we are. I have recently begun to answer this ice breaker question with anything other than describing my job. It is an important first step in really separating who I am from what I do. This is a process that I must go through so that I can begin answering both questions as I wish for them to be answered. In other words, I want to define for myself who I am and what I do. I want to be able to answer those questions from self-motivation rather than describing my job. I think that through changing the way I answer these questions I will slowly start to redefine who or what controls and motivates me. So goal #1 for 2010 is to Define Me.
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